Petanux - Intelligence Meets Innovation

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Bonner KI-Talks: Future of the Artificial Intelligence (online, DE) – [Cloned #4676]

11-06-2024 @ 11:00 – 12:00 – This free webinar series brings together professionals, scholars, business executives, and individuals to discuss about the most recent developments and difficulties in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). Open to everybody, the Bonner AI-Talks foster a community in which ideas and insights from many sectors and expertise levels are invited to be openly shared. The […]

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Webinar: Bonn AI Talk 2024-07-02

02-07-2024 @ 11:00 – 12:30 – Webinar: Bonn AI Talk 2024-07-02On July 2nd 2024 Petanux is launching the AI Talks as a platform to foster collaboration, innovation, and knowledge sharing in the rapidly evolving field of AI. We want to bring together experts, researchers, industry leaders, and enthusiasts to discuss the latest advancements and challenges in AI technology. The Bonn AI […]

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